Why locationperspectives

Deciding on location is a one-of challenge for most companies, A decision with far-ranging and costly implications. It cannot easily be reversed

Working with in-house resources to address location issues has the benefit of their understanding corporate DNA and deep technical knowledge about the product and services

But will these resources:

  • Have insight on the broad array of location options and feasibility of “What works where”?

  • Have the field experience, methodology and tools to cast a robust location decision?

  • Focus on top-of-mind locations only to be confronted with saturation effects?

  • Be able to take an objective stance?

Locationperspectives has been established by former "Big-4" location strategists

It draws on +30 years experience with cross-border business, globally. For all corporate activities: Shared Services & GBS, Headquarters, Manufacturing, Distribution and R&D

It has learned that:

  • Robust analytics are essential, but that local experience and practical insights make the difference

  • Each company and each project has its specific solution, reducing publicly available/generic rankings to a reference frame at best

  • Cross-border location decisions are not just about picking a site, but often about corporate transformation projects

  • Weak project design and implementation are the main causes for disappointment on cross-border projects 

Our principles

  • Work with rather than for a client

  • Bring new perspectives

  • Share experience

  • Think straight, talk straight

  • Deliver results

Your benefits 

  • Accelerated decision making

  • Accuracy, through robust analytics and real-time insights

  • Flexible support, fitting your and your stakeholder’s needs

  • Actionable recommendations, implementation support

  • Market-competitive, flexible fee models





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